
What is Bitget?

At Bitget, users can engage in a variety of trading options such as futures, spot, grid, and copy trading, with an extensive selection of cryptocurrencies including BTC, ETH, LTC, and over 550 others, along with earning opportunities through Bitget Earn offering up to 20% APR.

The platform introduces new tokens regularly in the Innovation Zone and supports advanced features like Strategy Hub and Insights for market analysis and trading strategies, backed by a strong emphasis on security, including a $300 million Protection Fund.

With PRIMECashback, your trades directly earn cashback, credited to your account.

Receive Cashback through Bitget

Cashback on every trade and account

Receive cashback on every trade and for every account type.

By opening an account with Bitget, you can trade futures and spot markets including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and 450+ coins, automate orders with grid trading, and follow elite traders with copy trade.

Engaging in trades with any of the instruments qualifies you for cashback.

Cashback is accessible across all account types. Both online registration and account setup are completely free of charge.

Open PRIMECashback × Bitget Account

Why choose PRIMECashback?

Why choose PRIMECashback? With us, you enhance your earnings potential in trading, regardless of your trading outcomes, strategies, or tools utilized.

PRIMECashback assures the most competitive cashback rates in comparison to other third-party entities.

As an official partner of Bitget, PRIMECashback offers a secure and automated service.

Without PRIMECashback, you may miss out on valuable financial opportunities.

Open the Cashback Account